Development Services Center
Case Filing & Case Condition Clearing Appointment System
        All Planning Case Filings will be accepted at the Development Services Center except that referral forms are required in the following circumstances: Specific Plans, Historic Preservation Overlay Zones, Design Review Boards, Community Design Overlay Districts, Transit Oriented Districts, Pedestrian Oriented Districts, Density Bonuses, Certificates of Compliance, Lot Line Adjustments (PMEX), and Private Streets. (Appointments are optional for case filings).

        All Planning Case Condition Clearances will be handled at the Development Services Center except for: HPOZs, Certificates of Compliance, Lot Line Adjustments (PMEX), and Private Streets. (Appointments are required for all Planning Case Condition Clearances).

Appointment hours are between 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM
Counters open at 9:30 AM on Wednesdays

Personal Information:
E-mail Address
Phone Number ( ) -
Appointment Information:
Select Location:

Case Address:
House Number Direction Street Name
Appointment for:

Appointment Date and Time Preference:
We will try to schedule an appointment for the first available date based on your preferences below:
First Available Appointment
OR, Please select your day of the week preference:
Any Day
or select one or more preferred days below:
AND, Please select your time of day preference:
Mornings (between 7:30 AM and Noon)
Afternoons (between Noon and 4:30 PM)
First Available Appointment (regardless of day or time)
First Available Appointment on selected days (select day(s) below):
First Available Morning Appointment (regardless of day)
First Available Morning Appointment on selected days (select day(s) below):
First Available Afternoon Appointment (regardless of day)
First Available Afternoon Appointment on selected days (select day(s) below):