Housing Services

Is my project eligible for the Priority Housing Project (PHP) program?

Entitlement projects that meet minimum thresholds for affordability are eligible for priority case processing under the DSC PHP program. Minimum thresholds include:

  • Ten or more dwelling units; and
  • At least 20% of on-site rental units with rents restricted to be affordable to and occupied by low-income households, or
  • At least 30% of on-site for sale units with restricted prices to be affordable to and occupied by low- or moderate-income households

How do I submit an application?

An Affordable Housing Referral FormTransit-Oriented Communities Referral FormTier Verification Form, or Unpermitted Dwelling Unit Inter-Agency Referral Form shall be signed by the Department of City Planning staff in order to file a case. Submit the completed form, along with a set of plans, or other required documents to planning.priorityhousing@lacity.org . In addition, a TOC Tier Verification Form can be filed electronically through the Online Application System

Density Bonus, Conditional Use to exceed density, and Transit-Oriented Communities Project cases must review the Housing Incentives Form and complete required documents.

Projects reviewed by the Affordable Housing Services Section include but are not limited to:

  • Priority Housing Projects
  • Transit Oriented Communities Housing Project
  • Qualified Permanent Supportive Housing Project
  • Density Bonus with on-and off-menu incentives
  • Affordable and market rate housing located in the Greater Downtown Housing Incentive Area
  • Senior Independent, Assisted Living, Disabled Person, and Elder Care Housing
  • Affordable housing in Specific Plan areas
  • Residential Hotels and Single Room Occupancy projects
  • Funding Forms for projects with an approved entitlement
  • Other private, state, and federally funded projects such as SB 35 and AB 2162
  • Unpermitted Dwelling Unit Project

What does it cost?

The cost for most PHP services is embedded in our entitlement case filing and clearance fees. Some services, such as special forms for funding, have additional review fees. Please contact the staff for more information.

Contact the Priority Housing Project:

Phone: (213) 202-5456 
E-Mail: planning.priorityhousing@lacity.org
Website: planning.lacity.gov 

Housing liaisons in other departments: 

Building and Safety (LADBS)
Phone: 3-1-1 (within the City of Los Angeles) or
(213) 473-3231 
Website: ladbs.org 

Housing and Community Investment Dept.
Phone: (213) 808-8843 
Website: hcidla.lacity.org