Harvard-Westlake Parking Improvement Plan Draft EIR

October 2013

Updated Notice of Availability

Cover and Table of Contents [263 KB, PDF]

Executive Summary [773 KB, PDF]

1.0 Introduction [167 KB, PDF]

2.0 Project Description [8.4 MB, PDF]

3.0 Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigation Measures [105 KB, PDF]

IV. Environmental Impact Analysis

3.1 Aesthetics [4 MB, PDF]

3.2 Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas [2.3 MB, PDF]

3.3 Biological Resources [1.5 MB, PDF]

3.4 Cultural Resources [211 KB, PDF]

3.5 Geology, Soils and Hydrology [2.1 MB, PDF]

3.6 Land Use [549 KB, PDF]

3.7 Noise [6.7 MB, PDF]

3.8 Transportation, Circulation and Parking [1.7 MB, PDF]

4.0 General Impact Categories [127 KB, PDF]

5.0 Alternatives to the Proposed Project [10.7 MB, PDF]

6.0 Lead Agency and Consultants [94 KB, PDF]


A. NOP [1.9 MB, PDF]

A1. Responses Received and NOP Sign In [19.8 MB, PDF]

NEW A.1a Comment Letter [118 KB, PDF]

B. Initial Study [6.6 KB, PDF]

C. Air Quality Modeling [817 MB, PDF]

D.1 Biological Resources Report [1.8 MB, PDF]

D.1a Floral and Faunal Compendia [187 KB, PDF]

D.2A Protected Tree Report Update [4 MB, PDF]

D.2B Protected Tree Report [25.5MB, PDF]

E.1 Preliminary Geotechnical Report [1.7 MB, PDF]

NEW E.1a Site Plan and Geologic Cross Sections [963 KB, PDF]

E.2 Preliminary Hydrolgy Report [6.5 MB, PDF]

E.3 LID Report [4.9 MB, PDF]

F.1 Noise Modeling [161 KB, PDF]

F.2 Arup Study, Potential Echo Effects [8.8 MB, PDF]

G. Traffic and Parking Study [4.7 MB, PDF]

NEW G.1 Traffic Study Appendices [3.1 MB, PDF]

H. Cultural Resources [1.9 MB, PDF]

I. Lighting Evaluation [3.3 MB, PDF]