Landmark Apartments

Recirculated Portion of the Draft EIR

Environmental Case No. State Clearinghouse No.
ENV-2013-3747-EIR 2014031014


Project Address:  11750–11770 Wilshire Boulevard; 1211–1235 Stoner Avenue; 1222 Granville Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90025

Community Plan Area:  West Los Angeles

Council District:  11—Bonin

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of Los Angeles Planning Department (City), as Lead Agency, prepared the Recirculated Energy Analysis of the Draft EIR (Recirculated Energy Analysis) for the Landmark Apartments Project (Project).  The Recirculated Energy Analysis has been prepared following the Los Angeles County Superior Court’s ruling (Court Ruling), dated June 28, 2018, which granted in part and denied in part the Petition for Writ of Mandate filed in Case No. BS168429, Golden State Environmental Justice Alliance vs. City of Los Angeles, et. al. Note that the Court Ruling upheld all other aspects of the EIR.  As the recirculation is limited to the energy analysis only, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5, subdivision (c), the rest of the Draft EIR, Final EIR, and Errata are not being recirculated for public review and comment.  Comments must be submitted in writing according to the directions below.  The City requests that reviewers not make new comments on matters not included Recirculated Energy Analysis.  Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5, subdivision (f)(2)(ii), written responses will be prepared only to comments received regarding this Recirculated Energy Analysis.  Responses to all comments received during the review period regarding the environmental analysis in this Recirculated Energy Analysis will be provided in a separate document.

Project Description:  Douglas Emmett Management, LLC, proposes to construct a 34-story residential building containing up to 376 multi-family dwellings, including market-rate and affordable housing units, and almost 1 acre of privately maintained, publicly accessible open space area on a 2.8-acre site in the West Los Angeles Community Plan Area of the City of Los Angeles.  Consistent with CEQA, the baseline includes an occupied 42,900-square-foot, single-story supermarket building to be demolished under the Project; a 364,791-square-foot, 17-story office building to remain; and a four-level subterranean parking structure spanning the Project Site.  The existing parking structure contains 1,321 parking spaces.  To support the foundation of the new residential building, the Project proposes the partial demolition and reconstruction of a portion of the four-level subterranean parking structure. Specifically, 365 existing parking spaces would be removed and 166 new spaces would be constructed, resulting in a total of 1,122 parking spaces on-site. In total, the Project would remove approximately 42,900 square feet of existing floor area and construct approximately 360,291 square feet of new floor area, resulting in an increase of 317,391 square feet of net new floor area.


Based on the Recirculated Energy Analysis, construction and operation of the Project would not result in an increase in demand for electricity, natural gas, or transportation energy that exceeds available supply or distribution infrastructure capabilities that could result in the demand for the construction of new energy facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects.  Therefore, Project impacts related to energy infrastructure and facilities would be less than significant.  In addition, the Project’s energy usage during peak and base periods would also be consistent with electricity and natural gas future projections for the region.  The project design features would reduce electricity demand by 7 percent, natural gas demand by 8 percent, and transportation energy demand by 16 percent.  Therefore, the demand for energy during Project construction and operation would not cause wasteful, inefficient, and unnecessary use of energy.  These determinations are consistent with and the same as in the Draft EIR.


The Recirculated Energy Analysis is available for public review at the City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning, 221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 1350, Los Angeles, CA  90012, during office hours Monday–Friday, 9:00 A.M.–4:00 P.M.  Please contact the Staff Planner listed below to schedule an appointment.

The Recirculated Energy Analysis is also available online at the Department of City Planning’s website at (click on the “Environmental Review” tab on the left-hand side, then “Draft EIR,” and click on the Project title), and copies are also available at the following Library Branches:

  • Los Angeles Central Library—630 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles, CA  90071-2002
  • West Los Angeles Regional Library—11360 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA  90025-3152
  • Donald Bruce Kaufman–Brentwood Branch Library—11820 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, CA  90049-5002
  • Westwood Branch Library—1246 Glendon Ave., Los Angeles, CA  90024-4914

The Recirculated Energy Analysis can also be purchased on CD-ROM for $5.00 per copy.  Contact Erin Strelich at (213) 847-3626 to purchase copies.

If you wish to submit comments following review of the Recirculated Energy Analysis, please reference the Environmental Case No. above and submit them in writing by Monday, November 19, 2018, no later than 4:00 P.M.  As CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5, subdivision (f)(2) permits, the City requests reviewers to limit the scope of their comments to the material contained in the Recirculated Energy Analysis.  The City also requests that reviewers not make new comments on matters not included in the Recirculated Energy Analysis.  Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5, subdivision (f)(2)(ii), written responses will be prepared only to comments received regarding the Recirculated Energy Analysis.

Please direct your comments to:


Erin Strelich
City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 1350
Los Angeles, CA  90012


Recirculated Portion of the Draft EIR