Sunset-Silverlake Project

Draft Environmental Impact Report


June 30, 2016
SCH No. 2012031080


Council District: 13, Mitch O’Farrell

Comment Review Period: June 30, 2016 to August 15, 2016

Community Plan Area: Silver Lake-Echo Park-Elysian Valley (Sites 1 and 3); Hollywood (Site 2)

Project Address: 4000 Sunset Boulevard, 4002-4038 Santa Monica Boulevard, 1069-1075 Sanborn Avenue, and 1068 Manzanita Street (Site 1); 4100 Sunset Boulevard and 1071, 1077, 1083, 1085, 1087, 1089 Manzanita Street (Site 2); and 4301, 4303, 4311 Sunset Boulevard and 4300, 4306, 4308,4312.14 Effie Street (Site 3)

Project Description: The applicant proposes the development of three separate sites within a three-block radius along Sunset Boulevard. Each site will be a separate development in terms of design and construction, and each will require separate approvals from the City. While three separate developments are proposed, all three are analyzed in one EIR because of a common applicant and proximity of the sites to one another.

Site 1

Site 1 would be developed with approximately 79,064 square feet of floor area (FAR of 2.62:1) as a five-story building with a maximum height of 68-feet as measured from grade, containing 84 residential units, 4,678 square feet of creative office space, 3,699 square feet of restaurant uses, 2,001 square feet of retail uses, an 800-square-foot community room/cultural activity space, and 8,650 square feet of total open space. Residential development in the C2 zone allows for a density of one dwelling unit per 400 square feet of site area, which would permit a maximum of 73 base density dwelling units. An additional two units would be permitted with the 1,901-square-foot R3-1VL lot (at 1 unit per 800 square feet of lot area) for a total of 75 base density units. Site 1 would set aside 11 percent of the 75 base density units (or 9 units) for very low-income households, entitling the Project to incentives and waivers of development standards as well as a 35 percent density bonus under SB 1818 and the City’s Implementing Ordinance (or 102 maximum units). To reduce the building massing and potential for parking impacts at this location, the Applicant only requests a partial 12% density bonus for 84 total units at Site 1. The Project on Site 1 seeks three development incentives and waivers of development standards to allow an FAR up to 2.62:1, to permit 5 stories (in lieu of the C2-1VL 3-story limitation), and a maximum building height of 68 feet (as measured from grade in lieu of 57 feet) and building envelope height of 63 feet (above the 56-feet (or an 11-foot height increase)). Parking would include 123 on-site spaces in satisfaction of City Code requirements (with six required creative office parking spaces to be provided at Site 2).

Site 2

Site 2 would be developed with an approximately 80,670 square foot building measuring 89’ feet in height.  The project would contain 91 residential units, approximately 10,000 square feet of restaurant uses, and 7,460 square feet of open space. The commercial spaces would be primarily located along Manzanita Street and at the corner with Sunset Boulevard. The Project on Site 2 would set-aside 11 percent of the base density units (i.e., 8 units) for very low-income households, and is therefore eligible for a 35 percent market rate density bonus (totaling 91 units). The Project on Site 2 also requests three development incentives/waivers of development standards to permit an FAR of 3.0:1, up to a 20 percent reduction in required open space, and to calculate FAR based on lot area. Site 2 would provide 112 parking spaces, including 6 required spaces for the Site 1 creative office use. An additional 44 public parking spaces above City Code requirements would be provided as a public benefit.

Site 3

Site 3 would be developed with approximately 102,100 square feet of floor area as a four-story building (above a basement level) with a maximum height of 68-feet as measured from grade (56-foot maximum building envelope height). Site 3 would contain 122 residential units, 4,500 square feet of retail fitness center uses, 999 square feet of restaurant uses, an 850-square-foot community room, and approximately 12,450 square feet of open space. The Project would set-aside 11% of the 90 base density units (i.e., 10 units) for very low-income households, entitling the Site 3 Project to a 35 percent density bonus or 122 units. The Project on Site 3 seeks six development incentives/waivers of development standards, which would allow for an additional story and 11 feet of building height (total maximum allowable height would be 68 feet), an FAR of 3.0:1 on the portion of the Site zoned [Q]C2-1VL, 0-foot setback reductions along both Effie Street and Bates Avenue, vehicular access from a less restrictive (C2) to a more restrictive zone (R4) and calculation of density based on gross (as opposed to net) lot area, prior to any required dedications. While the incentive/waiver of development standard allows for an FAR of 3.0:1, the Project on Site 3 proposes an FAR of 2.96:1. Parking for Site 3 would include 159 spaces.

Anticipated Discretionary Actions: Site 1 – 4000 Sunset (Site Plan Review; Conditional Use Permit-Alcohol; Density Bonus Compliance Review for three development incentives/waivers of development standards to allow increased floor area to 2.62:1, and to permit a five-story, 68-foot building, with a maximum (building envelope) height of 63 feet; Waiver/modification of dedication requirement; and Haul Route Approval); Site 2 – 4100 Sunset (Site Plan Review; Master Conditional Use Permit-Alcohol (on-site use); Density Bonus Compliance Review for three incentives/waivers of development standards to allow an increase in floor area ratio to 3:1, and a 20 percent open space reduction, and to allow buildable area to be calculated based on total lot area, as generally permitted in the C2 zone (despite the existing D limitation); and Haul Route Approval); Site 3 – 4311 Sunset (Site Plan Review; Conditional Use Permit-Alcohol; Density Bonus Compliance Review for six incentives/waivers of development standards to allow increased floor area (up to 2.96:1) on the [Q]C2-1VL portion of the Site, an 11-foot/single story height increase, 0-foot setback along Bates Avenue, a 0-foot setback along Effie Street, vehicular access from a less restrive zone (C2) to amore restrictive zone (R4), and calculation of density based on gross (as opposed to net) lot area, prior to any required dedications; Waiver/modification of dedication requirement; Vesting Tentative Tract Map; and Haul Route Approval).

Anticipated Significant Effects: Based on the analysis included in the Draft EIR, the Project would result in a Project-specific significant and unavoidable impact with respect to shade/shadow (Site 2) (which is conservatively being disclosed and treated as significant and unavoidable, notwithstanding SB 743, which deems shade/shadow impacts in mapped “Transit Priority Areas” as less than significant as a matter of law); and significant and unavoidable Project-specific and cumulative construction noise, Project-specific and cumulative construction-related groundborne vibration, and Project-specific and cumulative traffic impacts.

Document Review and Comment: If you wish to review a print copy of the Draft EIR or the documents referenced in the Draft EIR, you may do so during office hours 8 am to 4 pm at the City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning, at 200 North Spring Street, City Hall, Room 750, Los Angeles. The Draft EIR is available online at the Department of City Planning’s website at (click on “Environmental Review” then “Draft EIR”); and hard copies are also available at the following Library Branches:

  1. Central Library, 630 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071
  2. Silver Lake Branch Library, 2411 Glendale Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90039
  3. Frances Goldwyn – Hollywood Regional Library, 1623 N. Ivar Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90028
  4. Cahuenga Branch Library, 4591 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90029
  5. Atwater Village Branch Library, 3379 Glendale Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90039
  6. Arroyo Seco Regional Library, 6145 N. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA 90042

The Draft EIR can also be purchased on CD-ROM for $7.50 per copy.  Contact Karen Hoo of the City of Los Angeles at (213) 978-1331 to purchase copies.

Please direct your comments to:

Karen Hoo, Environmental Review Coordinator
Environmental Review Section
Department of City Planning
200 North Spring Street, Room 750
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Fax: (213) 978-1343

Comment Review Period: If you wish to submit comments following review of the Draft EIR, please reference the file number above, and submit them in writing by August 15, 2016.

Draft EIR Sections


CAJA Environmental Services, LLC
11990 West San Vicente Boulevard, Suite 200
Los Angeles, California 90049
Phone: (310) 469-6700; Fax (310) 806-9801