What Online Commerce Capabilities Does City Planning Offer?

What Online Commerce Capabilities Does City Planning Offer?

City Planning has expanded its online commerce capabilities to improve customer service and offer seamless access to City Planning’s functions from just about anywhere. 

The Department saw the pandemic as an opportunity to rethink how it does business. City Planning launched the Online Application System (OAS) in the weeks following the outbreak of COVID-19, making it possible to file applications and pay fees online rather than in person. OAS centralizes City Planning’s development functions, and its user-friendly interface improves communication between applicants and the Department.

Today, more customers opt to use the OAS than file in person. The Department’s online portal makes collaboration and real-time project management easy for people working from different locations.

While OAS’s capabilities were initially limited to submitting administrative approvals and clearances, City Planning has expanded the portal to offer specialized services. Eventually, all discretionary planning approvals will be available online through OAS. 

The Department continues to bring services online in response to popular demand. The planning approvals processed by the Beverage and Entertainment Streamlined (BESt) and Wireless Telecommunications Units are currently in its pilot phase and would expand discretionary online applications. Currently, applications can be filed and managed through OAS for the following categories:

  • Affordable Housing
  • Alcoholic Beverage and/or Entertainment
  • Appeals
  • Community Plan Implementation Overlay
  • Historic Resource Project Review
  • Housing Crisis Act
  • Redevelopment Project Area (RPA)
  • Virtual DSC Counter
  • Wireless Telecommunication Facilities

Small business owners looking to take advantage of the Restaurant Beverage Program’s shortened processing times and lower costs can now apply online. Helping to bridge the City’s digital divide, OAS also supports the telecommunications industry’s continuing expansion of 5G ultra wideband coverage and reliable wireless internet.

For customers, the OAS has strengthened City Planning’s brand identity as a responsive government agency committed to securing customer loyalty. From the Department’s perspective, establishing OAS contributes to efficiency by creating a single user interface for content management. 

We’re proud of the progress we’ve made in simplifying processes and modernizing operations, but above all, we’re proud of expanding access to our services. Access the Online Application System anytime at plncts.lacity.org/oas.