Chapter 3 - Land Use


It is the intent of the General Plan Framework Element to encourage new development in proximity to rail and bus transportation corridors and stations. The concentration of uses in the designated neighborhood districts, community, regional, and Downtown centers, and mixed-use boulevards (preceding policies) reflect this objective. Within these areas, the highest development intensities are targeted generally within one quarter mile of the transit stations (this standard may vary based on local circumstances). It is intended that a considerable mix of uses be accommodated to provide population support and enhance activity near the stations. This may encompass a range of retail commercial, offices, personal services, entertainment, restaurants, and housing that serve both transit users and local residents. The incorporation of extensive streetscape amenities to promote pedestrian activity is encouraged in each area.

Metrorail Blue Line Station Example of mixed-use development at rail transit station with retail, grocery store, and offices located above transit portal


Transit stations to function as a primary focal point of the City's development.

Objective 3.15

Focus mixed commercial/residential uses, neighborhood-oriented retail, employment opportunities, and civic and quasi-public uses around urban transit stations, while protecting and preserving surrounding low-density neighborhoods from the encroachment of incompatible land uses.

Uses and Densities
3.15.1 Prepare detailed plans for land use and development of transit-oriented districts consistent with the provisions of the General Plan Framework Element and the Land Use/Transportation Policy. (P1, P4, P18)
3.15.2 Work with developers and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to incorporate public- and neighborhood-serving uses and services in structures located in proximity to transit stations, as appropriate. (P55)
3.15.3 Increase the density generally within one quarter mile of transit stations, determining appropriate locations based on consideration of the surrounding land use characteristics to improve their viability as new transit routes and stations are funded in accordance with Policy 3.1.6. (P1, P18)
 Design and Development
 3.15.4 Design and site new development to promote pedestrian activity and provide adequate transitions with adjacent residential uses. (P1, P18, P24, P25)
 3.15.5 Provide for the development of public streetscape improvements, where appropriate. (P33, P34, P35, P36)
 3.15.6 Establish standards for the inclusion of bicycle and vehicular parking at and in the vicinity of transit stations; differentiating these to reflect the intended uses and character of the area in which they are located (e.g., stations in some urban areas and "kiss-and-ride" facilities may have limited parking, while those in suburban locations may contain extensive parking). (P4, P18, P69)


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