Hollywood and Wilcox Project

Case Number: ENV-2016-3177-EIR
Council District: 13
State Clearinghouse Number: 2017051079
Community Plan Areas: Hollywood
Project Location: 6430-6440 W. Hollywood Boulevard and 1624-1648 N. Wilcox Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90028

DEIR Public Comment

Administrative Record

Corona Virus (COVID-19) Update

The Department of City Planning recognizes the unprecedented nature of COVID-19, and having been identified as an essential City service, continues to work and respond to all inquiries pertaining to our ongoing efforts to process entitlement applications and study updates to our community plans and citywide policies.

As a result of the Mayor’s “Safer at Home” Order issued March 19, 2020, some of the previous means to access materials for the Hollywood Wilcox Project at libraries are no longer available to all residents or interested parties. To that end, the Department of City Planning will ensure that interested parties seeking information about the Project will have access.

All materials related to the Project, including the whole of the Administrative Record, consistent with AB 900 requirements, are made available to the public on the City’s website in the following location:


If you are unable to access digital copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Report, the Department will attempt to make reasonable arrangements to supply the materials. Copies of the Draft EIR will be made available on CD and sent via mail upon request. Physical copies of the Draft Environmental Impact Report and case file can still be viewed by appointment only. The Department has implemented additional measures to ensure the safety of the public viewing physical case files, necessitating appointments.

If you are unable to access project materials, would like a CD-ROM of the Draft EIR, or wish to schedule an appointment, please contact the staff planner Jason McCrea ((213) 847-3672 or jason.mccrea@lacity.org).

Project Description: The Project includes the development of a mixed-use building, comprised of 260 multi-family residential dwelling units, up to 10 percent (26 units) of which would be set aside for workforce housing and 17,800 square feet of commercial uses, comprised of 11,020 square feet of retail, 3,580 square feet of office, and 3,200 square feet of restaurant uses, within the Hollywood Community Plan area of the City of Los Angeles. As part of the Project, the existing two-story, 9,000-square-foot Attie Building, a contributing structure to the Hollywood Boulevard Commercial and Entertainment District, located at the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Wilcox Avenue, would be rehabilitated and restored, while maintaining its current use as commercial space. New development would range in height from one to 15 stories with a maximum building height of 160 feet. Upon completion, the Project would include approximately 278,892 square feet of floor area, with a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of up to 4.5 to 1. A total of 420 parking spaces would be provided within five parking levels comprised of two subterranean, one at-grade level, and two above-grade levels. The Project would also include 33,750 square feet of open space, including 6,745 square feet of common planted open space. The Project is an Environmental Leadership Development Project (ELDP) under Assembly Bill 900, certified by the Governor’s Office on October 10, 2019.Permits and Approvals: The applicant is requesting: (1) Pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 16.05, Site Plan Review for a development that results in 50 or more units, and (2) pursuant to LAMC 12.21 G.3, a Directors Decision to permit a 10-percent reduction in the required usable Open Space.

Permits and Approvals: The applicant is requesting: (1) Pursuant to LAMC Section 12.32 F, a Vesting Zone/Height District Change from C4-2D-SN/C4-2D to C4-2D-SN/C4-2D to modify the D Limitation to allow a maximum FAR of 4.5:1 in lieu of the otherwise permitted 2:1 FAR per Ordinance No. 165,660-SA220; (2) Pursuant to LAMC Sections 12.24 T, and 12.24 W,19, a Vesting Conditional Use Permit to allow floor area ratio averaging in a Unified Development; (3) Pursuant to LAMC Section 12.24 W.1, a Master Conditional Use Permit to allow the sale of a full line of alcoholic beverages for on-site and off-site consumption within Project restaurants and retail stores; (4) Pursuant to LAMC Section 16.05, Site Plan Review; (5) Pursuant to LAMC Section 17.15, a Vesting Tentative Tract Map for the purpose of creating a subdivision with three ground lots and three commercial condominiums; (6) Haul route approval for the export of 58,000 cubic yards of soil; and (7) Other Discretionary and ministerial approvals that may be deemed necessary, including, but not limited to: clearance related to the Hollywood Redevelopment Plan, temporary street closure permits, grading permits, excavation permits, foundation permits, street tree removal permits, and building permits.

Anticipated Significant Environmental Effects: Based on the analysis included in the Draft EIR, the Project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts related to: Construction Noise and Construction Vibration. All other potential impacts would be less than significant or mitigated to less-than-significant levels.

File Review and Comments: The Draft EIR and the documents referenced in the Draft EIR are available for public review at the City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning, 221 N Figueroa Street, Suite 1350, Los Angeles, CA 90012, during office hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please contact the Staff Planner listed below to schedule an appointment.

The Draft EIR is available online at the Department of City Planning’s website at https://planning4la.com/development-services/eir and copies are also available at the following Library Branches:

                1) Los Angeles Central Library, 630 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles, CA  90071
                2) Frances Howard Goldwyn–Hollywood Regional Library, 1623 North Ivar Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90028
                3) Will & Ariel Durant Branch Library, 7140 West Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA  90046

The Draft EIR can also be purchased on CD-ROM for $5.00 per copy.  Contact Jason McCrea at (213) 847-3672 to purchase copies.

If you wish to submit comments following review of the Draft EIR, please reference the Environmental Case No. above, and submit them in writing by Monday, April 13, 2020, no later than 4:00 P.M.

Please direct your comments to:

 Mail:     Jason McCrea
              City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
              221 N. Figueroa Street, Suite 1350
              Los Angeles, CA  90012
Email:    jason.mccrea@lacity.org

DEIR Comment Period: February 27, 2020 to April 13, 2020


Draft EIR Sections


Draft EIR Appendices


References for Draft EIR

II. Project Description

III. Environmental Setting

IV.A. Air Quality

IV.B. Cultural Resources

IV.C. Energy

IV.D. Geology and Soils—Paleontological Resources

IV.E. Greenhouse Gas Emissions

IV.F. Land Use

IV.G. Noise

IV.H.1. Public Services—Fire

IV.H.2. Public Services—Police

IV.H.3. Public Services—Schools

IV.H.4. Public Services—Libraries

IV.H.5. Public Services—Parks & Recreation

IV.I. Transportation

IV.J. Tribal Cultural Resources

IV.K.1. Utilities and Service Systems—Water Supply

IV.K.2. Utilities and Service Systems—Wastewater 

IV.K.3. Utilities and Service Systems—Energy Infrastructure

V. Alternatives

VI. Other CEQA Considerations