10131 Constellation Boulevard

Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)

CASE No: ENV-2004-6269-EIR

SCH No: 2005051145

November 2005


Please Note: The Complete Draft EIR has been provided in Adobe Acrobat (PDF). If you have a dial-up internet connection, then you should choose individual sections as they are much smaller in size.

Choose Individual Sections from the Pull_Down Menu for Faster Downloads. Click on the image or the link to the Entire DEIR only if you have High-Speed Internet or you will experience much longer wait.

Volume I - Draft EIR

Volume II -

DEIR VOLUME I - Main Document and Appendices A&B (26mb) High-Speed Internet Access Recommended


DEIR VOLUME II - Technical Appendices C-F (52mb) High-Speed Internet Access Recommended


Notice of Completion Letter
