The Plaza at The Glen Draft EIR

March 2009

Cover and Table of Contents [260 KB, PDF]

I. Executive Summary [400 KB, PDF]

II. Project Description [360 KB, PDF]

Project Description Graphics

III. Environmental Setting [736 KB, PDF]

Environmental Setting Large Graphics

IV. Environmental Impact Analysis

A. Aesthetics [720 KB, PDF]

Aesthetics Large Graphics

B. Air Quality [936 KB, PDF]

C. Biological Resources [6.2 MB, PDF]

D. Cultural Resources [192 KB, PDF]

E. Soils and Geology [192 KB, PDF]

F. Hazards and Hazardous Materials [164 KB, PDF]

G. Hydrology [1 MB, PDF]

H. Land Use [644 KB, PDF]

I. Noise [552 KB, PDF]

J. Public Services [276 KB, PDF]

K. Transportation and Circulation [2.1 MB, PDF]

L. Utilities and Service Systems [120 KB, PDF]

V. Other Environmental Considerations [132 KB, PDF]

VI. Alternatives to the Proposed Project [2.5 MB, PDF]

VII. EIR Preparers and Organizations and Persons Consulted [72 KB, PDF]


A. NOP and Responses [4.4 MB, PDF]

B. Tree Report [4.9 MB, PDF]

C. Air Quality and Noise [2.2 MB, PDF]

D. Cultural Resources [448 KB, PDF]

E. Geology, Soils [4 MB, PDF]

E.2 Phase I [4.3 MB, PDF]

F. Hydrology [3.6 MB, PDF]

G. Traffic and Parking

G.1 Summary and Chapters 1-4 [4.2 MB, PDF]

G.2 Chapter 5 [3.8 MB, PDF]

G.3 Traffic Appendices A-D [3.1 MB, PDF]

G.4 Traffic Appendices E-F [3.1 MB, PDF]

G.5 Traffic Appendix G, LADOT Correspondence, and Parking [4.2 MB, PDF]

H. Utilities and Water Supply [7.1 MB, PDF]