Hidden Creeks Estates Project

Draft Environmental Impact Report

EIR Case File No. ENV-2005-6657-EIR
SCH No: 2006031049

Prepared for:

Los Angeles Department of City Planning
6262 Van Nuys Boulevard, Suite 351
Van Nuys, California 91401


200 N. Spring Street
Los Angeles, California 90012-2601

Prepared by:

Impact Sciences
234 East Colorado Boulevard, Suite 205
Pasadena, California 91101

PROJECT ADDRESS: 12100 Browns Canyon Road (to be annexed to the City)

COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Immediately Northwest of the Porter Ranch Community





Development of the proposed project would include the construction of 188 single-family residences, associated roadways and infrastructure, a 15.5-acre public park and a new 15.8-acre equestrian boarding facility on approximately half of the total 259-acre project site. The majority of the residential lots would be clustered on a graded, centralized plateau currently used for ongoing filming operations and grazing. Hidden Creeks Estates is planned as a gated community with 158 single-family residential lots and 25 residential equestrian lots along with a public park and an equestrian facility. The undeveloped portion of the project site would be preserved as parkland and open space. The envelope of open space surrounding the project would buffer the proposed residential development from the existing community of Porter Ranch to the east and south and would complement adjacent open space areas, including the Michael Antonovich Parkland, which lies just beyond the northern and western boundaries of the project site.

Primary access to the project site is proposed via a new roadway extending from the current northern terminus of Mason Avenue and connecting to the northeast edge of the project site, near the proposed park. The road would traverse through an easement to be granted to the City of Los Angeles by Southern California Gas Company. The project would also involve the construction of internal streets and cul-de-sacs to provide access to the 188 proposed individual lots. Browns Canyon Road would provide secondary emergency access to the site and surrounding area. Public access to the equestrian facility would also be provided from Browns Canyon Road.

Construction of the proposed project would involve demolition of the existing single-family residence and associated equestrian facility. Following demolition, the project site would be graded, with an estimated 6.8 million cubic yards of earth material being moved. All earth material would remain on the project site, as no dirt would be imported or exported as a result of project construction or operation. Upon completion of site grading, project infrastructure would be installed followed by construction of the 188 single-family residences and the equestrian facility.

The project site is currently located in an unincorporated portion of Los Angeles County and within the LAFCO approved Sphere of Influence for the City of Los Angeles. Annexation of the property to the City of Los Angeles will need to be approved by the Los Angeles County LAFCO. The project site would then fall within the Chatsworth-Porter Ranch Community Plan Area. Therefore, Citywide General Plan and Community Plan amendments would be required for the annexed project site to correspond with the proposed land use and zoning designations. Proposed zoning and land use designations are shown in the attached figures.


Aesthetics, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Land Use and Planning, Noise, Population and Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Transportation/Traffic, and Utilities/Service Systems.


If you wish to review a copy of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) or the documents referenced in the Draft EIR, you may do so at the City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning at 200 North Spring Street, Room 750, Los Angeles. Copies of the Draft EIR are also at the following Library Branches:

1) Central Library - 630 W. 5th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071

2) Porter Ranch Library, 11371 Tampa Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 91326

3) Chatsworth Branch Library, 21052 Devonshire Street, Los Angeles, CA 90004

The DEIR is also available online at the Department of City Planning's website [www.lacity.orq/PLN (click on "Environmental" and then "Draft Environmental Impact Reports")]. If you wish to submit comments following review of the Draft EIR, please reference the environmental case number (ENV-2005-6657-EIR), and submit them in writing by June 30 2008. Please direct your responses to:

Nicholas Hendricks, Environmental Review Coordinator Department of City Planning

6262 Van Nuys Blvd, Room 351

Van Nuys, CA 91401

(818) 374-5046

nick.hendricks@lacity.org (e-mail)

Please select from the menu below to view each section of the Draft EIR in PDF format.

For Draft EIR Volume I Sections:

For Draft EIR Technical Appendices Volume II Sections:

Impact Sciences
234 East Colorado Boulevard, Suite 205
Pasadena, California 91101