
Final Environmental Impact Report

Hollywood & Gower


CASE No: ENV-2007-5750-EIR
SCH No. 2008011113


6100, 6104 & 6116 W. Hollywood Boulevard and
1633, 1645, 1647 & 1649 N. Gower

Prepared by:

Project Description
The proposed project involves demolition of the existing parking lot and construction of an approximately 197,503 square foot mixed-use development that would rise to 20 stories, and would contain one subterranean parking level. The proposed building would extend approximately 270 feet in height. The proposed project would contain 7,200 square feet of retail space and 176 residential units. The proposed project would potentially include a 2-foot street dedication along Hollywood Boulevard and a 5-foot dedication along the southern half of Gower Street. A 5-foot merger is being requested along the northern half of Gower Street. As previously stated, the project site is currently zoned C4-2D-SN and C4-2D. The existing “D” limitation restricts total Floor Area Ratio (FAR) on the project site to 2:1 (per Ordinance No. 165,662, effective May 7, 1990). In order to allow for the proposed project, the Applicant proposes to rezone the project site such that the current “D” limitation of 2:1 maximum FAR would be removed and replaced with a “D” limitation allowing a maximum FAR of 4.5:1. This would permit approximately 197,503 square feet of total floor area (after dedications).

Hardcopies of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) are available for review at the following locations:

Department of City Planning
200 North Spring Street, Room 750
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Central Library
630 West 5th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071

Will & Ariel Durant Branch Library
7140 West Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90065

Frances H. Goldwyn Regional Library
1623 North Ivar Avenue
Hollywood, CA 90043

John C. Fremont Branch Library
6121 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038


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For FEIR Hollywood & Gower Project:


Christopher A. Joseph & Associates - Main Office
11849 W. Olympic Boulevard, Suite 101
Los Angeles, California 90064
Phone: (310) 473-1600; Fax (310) 473-9336