General Plan Reports Available

PUBLISHED ON: May 25, 2023

Each year Los Angeles City Planning prepares Annual Progress Reports (APRs) on the Implementation of the City of Los Angeles’s Housing Element and broader General Plan, as required by the State of California. Both reports capture calendar year 2022 and were provided to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), the Office of Planning and Research (OPR), as well as the Los Angeles City Council. In addition to the two annual reports, LACP for the first time also prepared a five year Progress Report on Mobility Plan Programs implementation.

Housing Element Annual Progress Report

The 2022 Housing Element APR reports on building permit activity that contributes to the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) progress for the sixth Housing Element Cycle (October 12, 2021 to October 15, 2029), and includes updates on progress the City has made towards implementing the programs identified in the Housing Element. The report also includes an attachment with a detailed narrative summary of the City’s progress in implementing Program 124 (Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing).

The 2022 APR highlights the City’s accomplishments in facilitating housing growth. In total, 23,422 housing units were permitted, with 3,280 of them being affordable units - the highest production level for the City of Los Angeles in recent years. The high level of production was buoyed by a record year for ADU production - over 7,100 ADUs were permitted.

General Plan Annual Progress Report

Over the past several years there has been an increased interest in the General Plan from the State, the public, and City decision makers. The 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report addresses that interest by presenting and summarizing the City’s major efforts to update and implement the General Plan. While not exhaustive, the report highlights major milestones, organized by topical Element. The report also includes key demographic data processed by the City of Los Angeles, and a summary of project-based amendments to the General Plan.

Mobility Element 2016-2022 Programs Progress Report

The Mobility Element Programs Progress Report, 2016-2022 provides a summary of the status of each Action Program in the Mobility Plan 2035, and includes an overview of the departments responsible for implementation of the Mobility Plan. The Programs Progress Report was prepared in response to the Mobility Plan’s Action Program MG1, which calls for the preparation of an implementation report every five years. In addition, a City Council motion adopted in 2022 (CF 15-0719-S26) broadly calls for more effective reporting on Mobility Plan implementation and specifically requested a report on the implementation of the Mobility Element’s Action Programs. The report highlights completed projects, such as adopting Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) for use in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis, and the introduction of LADOT’s Slow Streets Program. The report also speaks to the benefits of future work focused on evaluating and reporting on program effectiveness and more fully incorporating mobility priorities into the budget process.