Housing Element Update and Safety Element Technical Amendments

PUBLISHED ON: March 11, 2021

In late 2019 the City launched an update to the Housing Element of the General Plan. More information on this comprehensive update can be found on the Housing Element Update webpage.

New state legislation requires that the Safety Element be updated alongside the Housing Element. The City is in the process of reviewing recent state requirements for several long range Citywide plans and programs that relate to safety, including: the existing Safety Element, the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, the Floodplain Management Plan, Resilient Los Angeles, LA’s Green New Deal and others. Through the update process the City will consolidate goals, policies, and programs from across these documents into the Safety Element, making the information easier for interested parties to access. Remaining state requirements that are not currently met will be addressed through a technical amendment to the Safety Element, planned for adoption in late 2021.

The Housing and Safety Element updates will be covered by a single Environmental Impact Report. The Notice of Preparation and Initial Study of this report was released in January 2021 and is available here.

For questions on the Housing Element update please email housingelement@lacity.org. For questions on the Safety Element update please email ourla2040@lacity.org.