Wrapping Up the Concepts Phase

PUBLISHED ON: June 24, 2021

In late 2020 the City launched the “Concepts” phase for the 2021-2029 Housing Element.  This plan phase focused on six concepts guiding the Housing Element Update that were drafted  based on state law and the feedback City Planning collected during the "Vision" phase of its outreach. The Concepts focus on how the Housing Element will address housing-related issues in the City. All six concepts respond to urgent needs: addressing the housing shortage, advancing racial equity and access to opportunity, and promoting sustainability and resilience.

The six concepts are: Housing Stability and Anti-Displacement, Housing Production, Access to Opportunity, Homlessness, Built Environment and Meeting the Needs of all Angelenos.

During this phase the department of City Planning engaged with an unprecedented number of people through several targeted outreach efforts, including three webinars, a statistically valid poll, and a public survey. Each of these is discussed in more detail in the attached PDF.  In addition to these efforts the city held a meeting of the full Task Force, attended six Neighborhood Council alliance meetings, and held several smaller stakeholder meetings with community organizations.     

The feedback from the Concepts phase will shape the Draft Housing Element, set to be released in early July.

Post Concept Summary