Completing the “Share Phase” and Next Steps

Event Date(s)

December 17, 2020
2:00 pm

The Southeast Valley Community Plan has completed the “Share Phase” of the Southeast Valley Community Plan updates, which began in November 2019. Thank you to the many stakeholders who we got to speak with and learn from over the course of this past year! We appreciate your time and look forward to continuing these conversations.

We recognize that since the last time you heard from us in May 2020, much has changed in the world and in our country. Particularly, the death of George Floyd and other countless murders of people of color has renewed conversations about systemic inequity in the built environment and the role of city planning in furthering racial justice. We as the SEV CPU team will continue to  center racial equity and inclusivity in our land use policy recommendations, in recognition of past land use and zoning decisions that have resulted in inequitable and racially segregated outcomes. We continue our dedication to engaging community members who have not historically been part of the planning process, as we collectively continue to plan for affordable, accessible, opportunity-rich, and prosperous neighborhoods with an improved quality of life for everyone.

Since the outreach events in February 2020, our team has shared a summary of public comments, and has been preparing for the next milestone in the Community Plan update. This is the draft General Plan Land Use (GPLU) Map, which is expected to be released in Spring/Summer 2021. The draft GPLU Map will be an evolved version of the Land Use Concept maps, incorporating feedback from the Office Hours, conversations with community members, and taking into consideration growth projections for the Southeast Valley. The team will host a virtual workshop(s) to provide context and gather input on the draft GPLU Map once it is publicly released.

Following the virtual workshop, we will be meeting with stakeholder and community groups to answer any questions and discuss the draft GPLU Map. At this juncture, we also hope that you will invite us to speak with your community group or organization!

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us here. We look forward to speaking with you, and continuing to work with you over the course of the Southeast Valley Community Plan Update.