Olympic and Hill Projects

Case Number: ENV-2019-1792-SCEA
Related Case Number: CPC-2016-4710-TDR-MCUP-SPR and VTT-74760
Council District: 14 - Huizar
Community Plan Areas: Central City
Project Location: 1000-1034 S. Hill Street and 220-226 W. Olympic Boulevard

Project Documents

Project Description:The Proposed Project includes the demolition of the existing surface parking lot on the Project Site and the construction of a 60-story mixed-use building (760 feet in height), which includes 700 residential dwelling units and 15,000 square feet of ground floor commercial/retail spaces. The Proposed Project would be 60 stories high consisting of seven levels of parking below grade, ground floor commercial/retail uses, a five-story podium with an amenity deck having glass railings, and a 55-story residential tower above the amenity deck. The Proposed Project would provide a total of 1,075 vehicle parking spaces, which includes 840 spaces for the residential uses, 15 spaces for commercial/retail use in accordance with the Los Angeles Municipal Code (“LAMC”) requirements, and 220 spaces for an adjacent office building by private contract agreement. Parking on the Project Site would be provided in seven subterranean levels, the ground level, and on levels one through four. Primary vehicular access for residential and commercial uses would be provided via two full-access driveways: one on Hill Street and one from the adjacent alley, Blackstone Court. Vehicular access for a proposed porte cochère that exits onto Blackstone Court would be provided from Olympic Boulevard. Pursuant to the Bicycle Ordinance, the Proposed Project would provide 290 parking spaces including 258 long-term and 32 short-term bicycle parking spaces. The Proposed Project meets the LAMC requirements for open space by providing approximately 86,976 square feet of open space and amenity areas. The Proposed Project would include 657,943 square feet of total floor area resulting in a floor area ratio (FAR) of 13:1. Seven street trees (five Canary Island pine and two Southern Magnolia) would be removed from the public right-of-way; 184 new trees would be provided, including 42 street trees. Trees in the public right-of-way would be replaced at a minimum 2:1 ratio.

Permits and Approvals:The Project's discretionary requests include: (1) Pursuant to LAMC Section 14.5.6.B, a Transfer of Floor Area Rights (TFAR) Greater Than 50,000 square feet of floor area for the transfer of approximately 354,277 square feet of floor area; (2) Pursuant to LAMC Section 12.24.W.1, a Master Conditional Use Permit to allow the on-site sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages within the Project's commercial spaces; (3) Pursuant to LAMC Section 16.05, a Site Plan Review for the construction of 700 residential units; (4) Pursuant to LAMC Section 17.15, a Vesting Tentative Tract Map for merger and re-subdivision of the Project Site for residential and commercial condominium purposes; and (5) Pursuant to LAMC Section 17.05, haul route approval in connection with the tract map approval. The Proposed Project would also require approvals and permits from the Department of Building and Safety (and other municipal agencies) for project construction activities including, but not limited to, the following: excavation, shoring, grading, foundation, haul route (for the export of approximately 206,100 cubic yards of soil), and removal of existing street trees (requires Board of Public Works approval).

Mitigation Measures: The SCEA determined that all potentially significant environmental impacts could be mitigated to less than significant. Mitigation measures were adopted for the following impact areas: Biological Resources, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Noise, Public Services, Transportation/Traffic, and Tribal Cultural Resources. This location is not a site on any of the lists enumerated under Gov. Code Section 65962.5. Pursuant to Section 21155.2 of the PRC, this SCEA: 1) incorporates all feasible mitigation measures, performance standards, or criteria set forth in the prior applicable environmental impact reports, including the 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (2016-2040 RTP/SCS) prepared by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), and adopted in findings made pursuant to Section 21081; and 2) contains mitigation that either avoids or mitigates to a level of less than significant all potentially significant or significant effects of the Project required to be identified in the initial study prepared for the Project.

File Review and Comments: The Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment (SCEA) and the documents referenced in the SCEA are available for public review at the City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning, 200 N. Spring Street, Room 621, Los Angeles, CA 90012, during office hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.. Please contact the Staff Planner listed below to schedule an appointment.

The SCEA is also available online at the Department of City Planning's website at https://planning.lacity.gov(click on the "Environmental Review" tab on the left-hand side, then "Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessments", and click on the Project title).

The SCEA can also be purchased on CD-ROM for $5.00 per copy. Contact Michael Sin at (213) 978-1345 to purchase copies.

If you wish to submit comments following review of the SCEA, please reference the Environmental Case No. above, and submit them in writing by Monday, May 6, 2019, no later than 4:00 p.m. Please direct your comments to

             Mail:    Michael Sin
                         City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning
                         200 North Spring Street, Room 621 
                         Los Angeles, CA 90012
         E-mail:    michael.sin@lacity.org

Comment Review Period: April 4, 2019 to May 6, 2019